CAMP 2024 SHOUT! Be Bold About It

Help send a student to camp. Camp is a life changing event where students make life long memories. This year we will be going to Big Bear, California to Cedar Lake Camp Grounds. During this week the students are technology free as they experience God in a new way through recreational games, worship, and team building. The Refuge Youth Center has been going to camp for over 20 years now.




Student & Leader Testimonies

This will be my 9th camp! Every since my first camp my life has never been the same. I went the first time just thinking it would be nice to get away from the craziness of my family, but it was camp where I fully devoted my life to Jesus. It is hard to put into words how amazing camp is…..its a time to worship with your whole heart, lay down everything, be real and vulnerable, and so much more. -Camp Leader